Tuesday, April 12, 2011

American Cowboy

Cowboy is a herdsman in the days of the United States tradition first. At first cowboy most of the Indians and Mexicans, but expanded his people the United States. Cowboy can say is its own profession and indeed require special skills. To be a cowboy must be skilled in riding horses and rodeo. In addition, skills such as fire and grazing livestock is also important.

A cowboy usually wear leather pants. In addition, they do have equipment that is typical cowboy boots and cowboy hats. Cowboy shoes are shoes that cover the length breeches and jeans. Shoes are sturdy and handsome cowboy in accordance with the work of riding horses and herding cattle. In addition, cowboy boots are also made of strong materials to support the activities of the active cowboy. Besides shoes, cowboy hats also became an important gear. The main function of protecting the head from the sun especially a cowboy's work in the field, in the fields and wander. Hat cowboy hat has a wide edge in order to further protect from the sun. Also, cowboy hats are usually made from material that is waterproof and has a sweatband.

In ancient times, the cowboy love to pass in the territory of Oklahoma from the state of Texas. The cowboy is hired for the task of herding cattle in the southern Oklahoma area Texas heading into the area north of Kansas. For that reason, identical with the Texas cowboy. These animals will eventually be sold to the eastern region by using train services. At the time of emergence of cowboy, many bandits who try to ruin the tranquility of citizens by stealing and robbing because law enforcement during this period was low.

Another thing to be a typical cowboy in the United States is the rodeo. Rodeo is a sport skill born of skill raise. Rodeo competition is often used by the cowboy to demonstrate skills in livestock, including bull riding, tie the rope and tossed into cattle, riding saddle, and live racing. Rodeo is a skill required by a true cowboy.


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